Would You Get a Tattoo of Your Dog?


Getting a tattoo is a big deal. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, because everyone you know has one, but it’s a massive commitment. You’re going to wear that for the rest of your life. Most of us can’t even commit to an item of clothing for more than a few months.

It’s no wonder so many people go for something safe like a favourite quote or a family member’s name. It’s all about trying to find an option you’re confident you’ll love forever and won’t get sick of. Which makes dogs kind of the perfect tattoo. After all, what do you love as unconditionally as your pet?

Dog tattoos are especially common after the death of a beloved pal, as a nice way to remember them and keep them close forever. Hey, if you’re really committed you can follow this guy and literally get your pet’s ashes tattooed onto you. Or, if that’s a bit of a stretch (fair), stick with one of the great Australian artists below who regularly celebrate pets and animals in their work.

BONO, Lovely small and delicate portraits.

Tessa Claire, Elegant and lovely fine line drawings.

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Courtney, Colourful and fun mash up of animals and pop culture (our favourite things).

Emily Rose, Stunningly detailed art nouveau offerings. Bonus points for posting about her own cute dogs.

Mama Pokes, Fun, simple, but always beautiful stick and pokes.

Lauren Winzer, A great mix of colourful whimsy and incredible technical skill.

Sadly, not all pet portraits are this beautiful. So before you commit, let us present a few misfires. Consider it a reminder to always do your research before getting a tattoo!

For more dog culture, check out:

Your Dog Likes Podcasts and TV as Much as You

The World’s Best Stores for Dog Lovers

Iconic Dogs of the 2010s

Written by on for Off The Leash

Article last updated on February 17, 2022

Mike is a huuuuuuge dog lover and the Co-Founder of Scratch. He's spent his life surrounded by Collies and Cocker Spaniels. You can find him sipping coffee in Melbourne and pointing out Bernese Mountain Dogs to his girlfriend, in hope that she'll finally let them get one.
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