Right now, businesses all around the country are having a tough time. But small and independent companies have been hit particularly hard. With the exception of a few global monoliths, many pet brands are run by one or two people. They’re often family businesses that survive by selling their products at weekend markets. With most of the world in lock-down, they’ve been especially impacted.
Understanding that, we reached out to our Off the Leash community and asked them to tell us about the local businesses that they love, but maybe aren’t frequenting as regularly right now.
If you have cash to spare, and are in the market for dog products or services, we really encourage you to skip the huge pet stores and give one of these brands your business.
We’ll keep updating this list as recommendations are passed onto us, so bookmark it to come back to later.
If you want to let us know about a company you love, shoot us an email, or reach out on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
Hang in there everyone, we’ll get through this together.
Clothing & Accessories
Animals in Charge, @animalsincharge
Barker & Fetch, @barkerandfetch
Big Big Bear, @bigbearpetwares
The Boho Pet, @bohopetaccessories
Coco & Pud, @cocoandpud
Fluppies Dog Fashion, @fluppiesdogfashion
Found & Hound, @foundandhound
Funky Fidos, @funkyfidos
Golden Tales, @goldentales.au
Growlees, @growlees
Handmade For Hounds, @handmadeforhounds
Henley And Co Australia, @henleyandco
Hobie Collective, @hobie_collective
Holly and Co, @_hollyandco
Hunter + Hound Supply Co, @hunterandhoundsupplyco
Leola Co, @leolacoaustralia
Little Luna & Co, @_littlelunaandco
Lulu Loves, @__lulu_loves__
Mister Woof, @mister.woof
MISO & CO, @misoandco
Mr Soft Top, @mrsofttop
Pawfect Pals, @pawfectpalsau
PetHaus, @hellopethaus
PinstaPals, @pinstapals
Pippamint Pet Wear & Pantry, @_pippamint_
Pooky+Boo, @pookyandboo
Queenie B, @queenieb_official
Salty Pet Supply, @saltypetsupply
Scout’s Honour, @scoutshonour_
Sebastian Says, @sebastian.says
Bark in the Park, @barkinthepark_
Dog Photog, @dog_photog
Dog Walking Pets Coffs Harbour, @pawsnclawscoffsharbour
Erin King Pet Photographer, @erinkingphotographer
Fitness Dogs, @fitnessdogsau
Good Dog Behaviour & Training, @gooddogbehaviour
Mr Woofles Daycare & Boarding, @mrwooflesdaycare
The Pets Hotel, @thepetshotel
The Natural Vets, @the.natural.vets
Food & Treats
Bones & Whiskers Dog Treats, @bones.and.whiskers
Bonza Dog Treats, @BonzaDogTreats
Healthy Dog Treat Shop, @healthydogtreatsshop
Doggy Detox, @doggydetox
Dog Gone Healthy AU, @doggonehealthyau
FurFresh, @furfresh
Happy Paws Co, @happypawsco_au
Inner Wolf Canine Nutrition, @innerwolfcaninenutrition
Laila and Me, @laila.and.me
PAWDinkum, @pawdinkum
Pet Food Innovators, @invopets
Pet Snacks, @petsnacksaus
Willow’s Pantry Dog Treats, @willowspantry
Whoa Nelly! Dog Food, @whoanellydogfood
The Barney Bed, @thebarneybed
Clementine’s Rescue Soap, @clementines_rescue_soap
CleverPawz, @clever.pawz
Designer Dog Accessories, @nicedigs
Django & Co, @django_and_co
Doggy Eco Australia, @doggyecoaustralia
Doggy Hampers Australia, @doggyhampersaustralia
Frankie & Friends, @frankieandfriendsx
Good Scruff, @goodscruff
Gummi Pets, @gummipets
Hangdog, @hangdog_art
Houndztooth, @houndztooth_au
IdPet, @idpetaustralia
Lavish Tails, @lavishtails
Maison Dog, @maisondog_australia
Melody’s Pet Collars Shop, @melodyspetcollars
Modern Ethical Sustainable, @_d0gh0use
Nice Paws, @nice.paws
Not Your Average Dog Towels, @zohaustralia
Harlow Harry, @harlowharry
Pinnacle Pooch, @pinnacle_pooch
Snooza Pet Products, @snooza_pet_products
One With Everything, @one_witheverything
Pawfectly Boxed, @pawfectlyboxed
Ruff Dogs, @ruffdogs_
Vackertass Supply Co, @vackertasssupplyco
Smack Bang, @smackbangstore
Stinky Dog, @stinkydog_au
Swanky Paws, @swanky_paws
Uglybox Shop, @uglyboxshop
Oh My Dog Podcast, @ohmydogpodcast
So Help Me Dog, @sohelpmedog
The Healthy Dog Pod, @thehealthydogpod