Five Next-Level Dog Parks in the US


You have to give it to the Americans. They sure know how to make a dog park!

Don’t get me wrong–Australia has some nice dog parks, great green grass, safe enclosures and plenty of good coffee nearby. But things are on a whole different scale over there.

In many of the 50 states you’ll find parks with no expense spared. We’re talking separate enclosures for smaller and larger breeds, ponds, dog shows, shaded areas, agility courses and now, even movie screens!

Here are our five favourite dog parks in the US.

BarkPark, Nashville

US doggy giant Bark (known best for the Barkbox) have poured some real money into opening their magnificent BarkPark earlier this year.

The membership-based club is designed as much for humans as their dogs.

What we love about BarkPark:

  • Great amenities for all creatures.
  • Movie, music, and comedy nights.
  • They’ve brought in a specialist coffee roaster.
  • Lighting until 9PM.
Bark Park Nashville

Washington Dog Park, Ohio

This feels like something from a movie. It’s just too perfect.

What we love about the Washington Dog Park:

  • Pee-friendly gravel so it can look the part, without the lingering smell.
  • Dog-friendly synthetic turf that won’t burn their feet in high temperatures.
  • Little features and tunnels throughout, like the stream that runs down the middle.

Congressman Bill Archer Bark Park, Texas

Known for it’s two bone-shaped ponds, the Congressman Bill Archer Bark Park is one serious dog park.

What we love about the Congressman Bill Archer Bark Park :

  • The ponds of course!
  • 17 acres of land to run around.
  • The agility course.
  • Plenty of muddy good times.
  • Dog showers to get rid of the mess before the trip home.

Newtown Dream Dog Park, Georgia

Another one supported by corporate dollars, but who are we to complain when it’s this good? Purina’s Beneful brand has been running competitions to design a dog park for a number of years now, funding it through GoFundMe campaigns.

The latest recipient was the Newtown Dream Dog Park in Georgia, thanks to the winning design by a teenage boy. Not huge by any means, but pretty damn amazing.

What we love about the Newtown Dream Dog Park:

  • Separate areas for small and large dogs.
  • Sprinklers and a spraying hydrant for hot days.
  • Bridge, hoops, and tunnels to explore.
  • Walking trails.

Johnny Steele Dog Park – Houston

Part of a larger community parklands, the Johnny Steele Dog Park was re-designed after copping plenty of damage in Hurricane Harvey.

What we love about the Johnny Steele Dog Park:

  • Fenced small and large breed dog areas.
  • Ponds and sprinklers to splash around in.
  • Lots of benches and shady areas.
  • Beautiful nearby scenery.
Written by on for Off The Leash

Article last updated on July 30, 2021

Mike is a huuuuuuge dog lover and the Co-Founder of Scratch. He's spent his life surrounded by Collies and Cocker Spaniels. You can find him sipping coffee in Melbourne and pointing out Bernese Mountain Dogs to his girlfriend, in hope that she'll finally let them get one.
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