When you’re getting ready for a rescue dog, it’s worth taking time to make sure you’re really up for the task. Run through our checklist to see where you’re at. If you answer yes to everything, congratulations! You can start the process of getting a rescue dog. If you answer no to anything, you may have some more homework ahead of you.
Do You Have Time?
To find the right dog, commit to training, and even take time off work to help them settle in?
Do You Have the Money?
To cover adoption fees, food, toys, accessories, vet bills and possibly a trainer or behaviorist?
Have You Done the Research?
Are you studied-up on the needs of rescue dogs and don’t assume it will just be a breeze?
Have You Prepared Your House?
To make sure it’s safe and secure for a rescue dog?
Have You Bought or Sourced Everything They Need?
Double check our Bringing a Dog Home Checklist.
Are You Ready for a Challenge?
Have you spent time (emotionally and physically) preparing for the care a rescue dog might need?
Do You Have a Support Network?
Adopting a rescue dog is hugely rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Make sure you have people around to help out so it all doesn’t fall to you alone.
Have You Researched Adoption Shelters and Organisations?
Are you confident they’re reputable, trustworthy, and can offer ongoing advice and help?
Have You Considered Your Lifestyle?
Dog adoption is about more than chemistry. What size dog can you realistically look after and exercise? Could you take on training a puppy or caring for an older dog? Are there specific personality traits you’d prefer? While you can’t be picky, it’s important to have a sense of the kind of dog you could make happy.
For more help with your pup, check out Scratch’s ultimate new dog guide.
Getting ready for life with a rescue dog? Get more great advice here.
Images via FreePik