Acne releases William Wegman dog totes


You might have come across William Wegman before or even seen his gallery showing last summer at Melbourne’s NGV.

Back in 2013 he teamed up with Swedish fashion juggernaut Acne Studios for a print and outdoor campaign of Wegman’s famous and incredibly photogenic Weimeraners.

The brand have just released two tote bags featuring the incredible photos under a high gloss finish. We’ll leave the fashion description to them.

Written by on for Off The Leash

Article last updated on April 5, 2022

Mike is a huuuuuuge dog lover and the Co-Founder of Scratch. He's spent his life surrounded by Collies and Cocker Spaniels. You can find him sipping coffee in Melbourne and pointing out Bernese Mountain Dogs to his girlfriend, in hope that she'll finally let them get one.
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